Join Cornwall Partners in Care
The voice of care providers in Cornwall
Becoming a member of CPIC
If you are an independent provider of any nature, such as residential, nursing or domiciliary care for older people or adults with disabilities, and registered or operating in Cornwall, then we would love to hear from you.
Membership of Cornwall Partners in Care is only £100 per year.
Use the button below to download our membership form and become part of Cornwall's voice on Adult Social Care today.
Join our mailing list
Our Mailing List is a useful way for to share information with Social Care Providers across Cornwall.
You can use the button below to sign up to our regular information emails and details of our regular forums.
Why join Cornwall Partners in Care?
Cornwall Partners in Care offer care Providers in Cornwall networking opportunities, support, and a voice at the table with commissioning organisations in Cornwall. Currently our membership includes around half of all registered care home beds in Cornwall. Quantifying our representation of the Domiciliary Care sector is a little trickier, but it is broadly very similar.
We have a good working relationship with our Local Authority and we regularly meet with a range of directors, officers, and MP’s on behalf of the sector to address both the broader concerns of our members as well as specific issues. We have sector representation on a number of boards and committees, such as the Safeguarding Adults Board, the End of Life group to name but a few. We are currently engaging in the Fair Cost of Care exercise as part of the process to develop a contract for Residential and Nursing homes.
We hold regular Forums, both for the Domiciliary Care and Supportive Lifestyles sector (typically on the last Tuesday of every month at 10am) and for the Residential & Nursing home sector (typically on the last Wednesday of every month at 3pm). These are open to all Providers and there is no limit on how many people can attend. The forums are our opportunity to feedback information to the sector that our committee members have obtain from the various groups that they sit on and for us to discuss issues and share information between Providers.