Cornwall Partners in Care News
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CPIC/Council/CFT Meeting update - 13/08/2021
Cornwall Partners in Care hold weekly briefings with Cornwall Council and Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation trust. These meetings involve Jonathan Price (Joint Director Adult Care and Health for Cornwall Council and NHS Kernow) and occasionally colleagues from the Council, David Smith (CPIC Chairman), and representatives from the CPIC Committee.
Daily update - 13th August 2021
The meeting today was with Val as Jonathon and Kate Alcock were unable to attend. A meeting with Jonathon took place on Wednesday which I was unable to attend and the discussions at this time were with Fiona Plummer to talk about delayed payments. Jennifer Nancarrow had also stated that the new format IPAs did not allow Registered Managers to sign and this has now been resolved. Going back to the meeting today, the following was discussed;
- The Rapid Recruitment task and finish group is due to meet later today, and will consider feedback from the workforce survey which has recently been circulated.
- The Care Home workbook trial requires feedback with only 4 days notice. Val agreed to feedback to Nicola Redfearn that the time limit needs to be extended. All KPIs were becoming onerous due to ongoing managerial pressures and the complexity and frequency of data returns will be raised as an issue.
- Tim Mumford had recently circulated a survey on blockages in the system which Providers had been asked to consider. It was agreed that this be discussed with Jonathon on Monday as there were issues where Providers need more support, as Registered Managers and Providers are having to face huge logistical pressures at the moment. It was felt that different parts of the Health and Social Care sector need to work more closely together, with mutual respect.
- Christine reported on a practice whereby Staffing Agencies in Cornwall are paying staff cash on a daily basis by utilising a software package, to incentivise staff to work for them, resulting in shortages elsewhere in the sector. Val suggested that there needs to be a collective approach to try and drive rates down and Christine agreed to provide information to assist with this.
- It was noted that some agencies had handed back packages of care, and it was suggested that there be some analysis of the reasons for this, to see if it is all due to workforce issues.
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