Cornwall Partners in Care News
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CPIC/Council/CFT Meeting update - 16/07/2021
Cornwall Partners in Care hold weekly briefings with Cornwall Council and Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation trust. These meetings involve Jonathan Price (Joint Director Adult Care and Health for Cornwall Council and NHS Kernow) and occasionally colleagues from the Council, David Smith (CPIC Chairman), and representatives from the CPIC Committee.
Daily update - 16th July 2021
We all met with Jonathon this morning, slightly later than usual. We discussed the following;
- Recruitment and shortage of accommodation were discussed, and Christine indicated that her Company is minded to provide a recruitment service at reasonable rates for the sector. Jonathon highlighted the need for Proud to Care to use analytics to demonstrate its usefulness or otherwise. It was confirmed that John Lloyd Owen had formed a group to look at housing needs across Cornwall.
- Jonathon asked if Track and Trace was having an impact on staffing levels. It was felt that a more pressing problem was school outbreaks and the need for family bubbles to self isolate. Some hospitality venues were opening with limited opening times so there was less demand on the labour market than anticipated.
- 3/ Phil stated that he had prepared a formula to demonstrate the costs associated with supra rural cases.Christine stated that higher pay rates for staff needs to be considered. Jonathon stated that there was no additional funding available, and that we need to look at alternative models of care such as reablement. Spiralling demand for social care was also a factor and some form of RAG rating may be appropriate so that voluntary groups can cover the shortfalls., The use of electric vehicles and/or electric bikes could also cut costs. Jonathon asked CPIC to gauge opinion on flexing contracts in times of staff shortage utilising helplines, volunteers and technology. Christine suggested that the voluntary sector needs to be more visible to facilitate true partnership working,and Jonathon agreed to ask Ian Jones who is the CEO from Volunteer Cornwall to attend a Friday meeting. Jonathon also agreed to raise flexible working arrangements with the CQC.
- Speedier driving tests may also help and Phil stated it is possible to obtain a driving licence within 2 weeks.
- A D2A paper is being worked on by Jonathon and Karen Kay.
- Contrary to rumours, the Council run Equipment Store is not being closed.
- Phil raised the issue of delayed payment on invoices where there is a dispute, and Jonathon agreed to look into this.
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CPIC meet weekly with Cornwall Council and CFT on behalf of the sector. Here are the notes from those meetings.