Cornwall Partners in Care News
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CPIC/Council/CFT Meeting update - 16/08/2021
Cornwall Partners in Care hold weekly briefings with Cornwall Council and Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation trust. These meetings involve Jonathan Price (Joint Director Adult Care and Health for Cornwall Council and NHS Kernow) and occasionally colleagues from the Council, David Smith (CPIC Chairman), and representatives from the CPIC Committee.
Daily update - 16th August 2021
Christine and David attended a meeting with Val and Carolyn Montgomery. Jonathon is on Annual Leave until 31st August, so we agreed to have another meeting without him on the 27th August between 9.30am and 10.30am, and then reconvene our regular Friday meetings from 3rd September. We then discussed the following;
- The recruitment survey had resulted in 18 responses detailing 150 vacancies. Smaller Providers seem to be reporting less of a problem, and the intention was to prepare a detailed geographical analysis. There was recognition that Facebook needs to target potential recruits from outside the sector, and it was reported that some outside expertise was going to be commissioned to help with this. A need had also been identified to provide furlough figures by sector, and Christine agreed to talk to the DWP about any financial assistance which might be available to attract appropriate people to the sector. It was noted that the survey would be recirculated in about 2 weeks.
- Christine is still in the process of obtaining information from Agencies regarding their rates. Carolyn stated that she is working with Kernow flex to provide HCAs, and Christine agreed to incorporate their rates into her analysis.
- Val is still pursuing feedback regarding the Care Home workbook trial, and also Homecare KPIs and agreed to respond by e mail.
- Tim Mumford is preparing an overview on the Capacity Survey, and will share when available. Dylan is also preparing an overview of Homecare handbacks which will be circulated in due course.
- The ongoing pressure on Registered Managers and Providers was discussed, and Val stated that she had spoken with an NHS colleague to see how the NHS and Social Care can wrap around the independent sector. Options to provide ongoing support for Registered Managers were also being explored including the possibility of Kernow flex becoming involved in some way.
- Pressure on CPIC Committee members at this time were highlighted which were compounded by limited success in encouraging Providers to become committed Committee members. It was suggested that the way forward might be to canvas Managing Directors and Charity Heads to become Committee Members, and that a good approach to achieve this might be through a personal letter addressed to the individuals concerned. Val referred to a recent presentation from a Trade Association in Buckinghamshire which she agreed to circulate as it focussed on their operational role which she felt might be useful.
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