Cornwall Partners in Care News
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CPIC/Council/CFT Meeting update - 04/08/2021
Cornwall Partners in Care hold weekly briefings with Cornwall Council and Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation trust. These meetings involve Jonathan Price (Joint Director Adult Care and Health for Cornwall Council and NHS Kernow) and occasionally colleagues from the Council, David Smith (CPIC Chairman), and representatives from the CPIC Committee.
Daily update - 4th August 2021
Jonathon, Val and Kate met with Phil and myself. Mary joined us later and apologies were received from Christine. We discussed the following;
- Acute capacity issues within the South West continue alongside staffing shortages. Homecare is unable to cope with demand and some runs have been handed back. Phil explained that in his case he had reorganised services to release capacity in other areas. Some Care Homes had reopened to facilitate more appropriate longer term placements. Kate was informed that Choice directives need to be suspended during times of acute capacity pressures as relatives were still over ruling placements away from their normal place of residence. Demand over the weekend had reduced although the reason for this was not known.
- Phil outlined his intention to work with Indeed to trial a virtual Jobs Fair, and once again raised the issue of cash flow due to delays caused by queries on invoices. Jonathon agreed to look into this.
- Kate outlined some work which had taken place to identify the likely future demand for D2A beds, as direct Government funding for D2A was due to end in September. This work was taking place in conjunction with future Commissioning intentions which were summarised as follows;
Understanding demand
Information Portal to provide a single point of contact which is web based
Voluntary and Community Sector partnership with an alliance approach.
Single reablement Service
Independent Living Service to include technology aids and adaptations from a single source.
Accommodation with Care. - Longer term commissioning intentions would include;
Demand analysis
Market capacity. The council will still be the service provider of last resort.
Self directed support and innovation
Day Activities
Home Care
Accommodation with Care
Kate agreed that Providers need to be involved in discussions regarding these intentions so they have more information to help them shape future service provision. A survey will shortly be sent out, and in the future it was suggested that Innovation Workshops could be organised to look at how services could be provided in a more innovative way such as the provision of a roving 24 hour service to allow Homecare to take on more complex cases. Reablement opportunities could also be investigated with Homecare Agencies working more closely with Care Homes was another example, together with greater use of technology, so that clients are provided with a menu of options. It was agreed that the NHS and Social Care need to work closely on these plans to provide a system wide approach.
That's it for now. The next meeting on Friday will look at opportunities to work more closely with voluntary and Community Service Providers. This will take place at 9.00am. There is a further meeting with Jonathon arranged for Monday 9th August starting at 10.00am.
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