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LD/DOM Care Forum notes 30th April 2019
LD Dom Care Forum
Held at Crossroads Care Home 30th April 2019
These are notes (not minutes) and reflect the opinions and understandings of those present
Tish chaired the Forum.
Tish began by updating everyone about the new parking permit areas of Truro and St Ives. Providers will need to apply separately if they cover these areas. One Provider with 24/7 packages with no off-road parking asked for advice. It was suggested that they approach the local GP practice, who may be able to offer parking.
The contact details for parking enquiries are;
0300 1234 222
Tish talked about the daily conference calls that take place at RCHT and how Providers can join the conversation to talk about any Service User they may have in Hospital to see if they can assist with discharge.
The meeting also discussed how Hospital Wards are happy to talk with Providers and are using passwords to navigate through issues created by GDPR. During a first phone call, ward staff will check with the patient and create a password so that Providers can call again and exchange info directly with ward staff.
Tish also talked about the 111 service for Residential Homes. At the last Care Home and Care at Home Partnership meeting, Tish asked when Dom Care would get access to a similar service. Karen Kay asked Tish to liaise with the Chief Operating Officer for the 111 service Mark Woolcock to work on this.
The meeting discussed issues with getting loans equipment in an emergency and Tish reiterated her call for case and details (including ID numbers) that she can take back to future meetings.
Richard informed the meeting that at the Partnership meeting, it was noted that Direct Payments (and the disparity of rates) is something that the Council are looking into, however it will not be a quick fix. Providers did highlight that some Service Users are struggling to make the top-ups.
Similarly, Gross Payments for Dom Care, which had been indicated to start in October, was noted at the Partnership meeting as still being a way off, although no specific timescale was mentioned. The Council will feedback via the Partnership meetings in due course.
One Provider noted that package purchase orders now have an end date where they were previously listed as “ongoing”. This is causing problems where the purchase order expires leading to the Provider not being paid for their work. This approach is meant to encourage Social Workers to complete the assessments quicker, however if the assessment isn’t done or if the assessment is held up being approved, it is causing problems with payments. This is not helping to create a sustainable market.
It was noted that not all packages have been automatically uplifted to the new ceiling rate. Through discussion it was identified that this is likely the case where Providers had previously accepted a rate when they joined DPS below the old ceiling rate. For these packages, a percentage uplift is applied.
Richard reported on a discussion at the Partnership meeting around Health not issuing Purchase Orders or plans of care for their packages through DPS. Health feel that the agreement through DPS is sufficient for Providers, however Providers feel they would benefit from a plan of care. This is something that Health have taken away from the meeting to look into.
The general consensus is that the current contract is working considerably better than the previous Framework.
Tish reported that she had heard that car insurance for work use is changing for some insurers and encouraged Providers to be careful and check whether staff are truly covered for scenarios where they take Service Users out in their cars. Action: Richard to arrange for an insurance broker to come to a future forum and talk about car insurance at taking Service Users out in staff cars.
The meeting discussed recruitment. One Provider talked about a campaign run by Cornwall Care a few years ago that involved patients and their friends and families. Pirate FM also provided some support and air time for free. One idea could be to try and replicate this to show the positive side of a career in care.
One Provider suggested getting Universities involved with media production.
It was noted that Residential, LD, and Dom Care should maintain their own separate identities.
It was suggested that Health and the Council could put some financial support into such a project, led by CPIC. Action: Richard to publicise for 3 sub-groups to look at recruitment and profile raising ideas for Residential, LD, and Dom Care.
A Provider raised concerns regarding the Council issuing separate Purchase Orders for personal care and for outreach work as ECM does not allow Providers to enter two separate Purchase Order numbers.
2 Providers had arrived to attend the most recent Care Home and Home Care Partnership meeting, however due to the last-minute change of date and time, they arrived on the wrong day. The next meeting is currently scheduled for 7th June, 9:45 at the Sedgemoor centre in St Austell.
One Provider is due to meet with the Council regarding ESM for LD provision as it is not currently working for shared settings. They are keen to explore with the Council how information can be provided to the Council in ways other than ECM.
The meeting discussed the annual conference due in October and suggestions for content were requested. Safeguarding, End of Life passport were suggested.
Action: Richard to arrange for an insurance broker to come to a future forum and talk about car insurance at taking Service Users out in staff cars.
Action: Richard to publicise for 3 sub-groups to look at recruitment and profile-raising ideas for Residential, LD, and Dom Care.
The meeting closed at 12:00
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