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Public Health and COVID-19 Q&A videos
A series of useful short videos with Brian O’Neill, Public Health Consultant, answering questions around public health and Covid have been released.
- Introduction
- I'm a registered manager of a home and I'm concerned that my staff not accurately report positive lateral flow tests, how can I manage this?
- Is whole home testing now just with lateral flow tests?
- Do I still need to do PCR tests?
- Do staff need two lateral flow tests before they can come back to work if they've had a Covid infection even if it's 14 days later?
- What's the difference between a cluster and an outbreak?
- If the UKHSA tell me that my home is in a Covid outbreak can I still take new admissions if it's only staff who have tested positive?
- Could you clarify, what is personal care relating to visitors who need to test?
- What are the testing requirements for new admissions for people coming into the care home?
- Are there any changes for people being admitted back into a care home following a hospital admission?
- What do I do if my courier does not collect my tests when they've been booked to do so?
- How should visiting NHS professionals and CQ inspectors evidence their testing to care homes?
- Do residents have to remain isolated if they're positive?
- When can I open up the home during an outbreak?
- Do visitors to care homes need to continue testing before each visit?
- Can I get a free test for visitors?
- Do professionals who are visiting have to undertake regular testing?
Other common questions relating to urgent needs in care settings answered by Louisa Forbes, Consultant Nurse for Care Homes.
- I have waited a long time for emergency ambulances to attend to a resident after a fall. Sometimes I have been told not to give them anything to eat or drink and not to move them. What can I do to improve their outcome?
- In terms of the healthcare professional line, do I use that line instead of calling my GP?
- I often feel short staffed. Is there anywhere I can go for help if I feel I can't deliver safe care to my residents because of workforce issues?
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